As indication of the variability in cultivar kratosija, cluster properties of some varieties of this autochthonous grapevine in Montenegro were used. The clusters in 17 varieties of cultivar kratosija were described acording to OIV descriptor. Width and lenght of clusters is presented, significancy of differences, coeficient of variation and maximal and minimal values for the property were determined. On the base of OIV codes clusters in all investigated varieties of kratosija were of medium lenght, compact or very compact, and in rehuqaca very meager. The number of berries in clusters was low or medium (except in veqa kratosija, vrancina and vrancic), and in rehuqaca variety cluster with low number of berries was noticed. Cluster stem in all investigated varieties of kratosija was short, what is the characteristic of cultivar name (kratkosija, kratosija short neck). The longest cluster was found in vrancic (19.79 cm), insignificantly shorter in vrancina and qutica. In eleven investigated varieties
biotypes of kratosija the length of clusters were uniform (18.00 to 19.00 cm). The shortest cluster was measured in bikaca (16.03 cm). Varieties of kratosija cultivar with longest cluster (vrancic, vrancina, qutica and vranac) were also with the highest cluster width. The smallest cluster width was measured in bikaca and rehuqaca varieties, significantly and very significantly smaller than in other investigated kratosija biotypes. Expressive wings on clusters in kratosija or vran then in kratosija, qutica and crni krstac were observed with these investigations. In veqa kratosija two wings were noticed while in rehuqaca doubled cluster was occurred.
Key words: grapevine, cultivar, kratosija, variability, variety, cluster.