Stanja i mogućnosti proizvodnje jagodastog voća


    In regard to their economic importance and their production, small fruits ramk and respectively in the total fruit production in the Republic of Serbia. By way of ilustration, may be mentioned that the shake of basic sorts of small fruits (respberry, blackberry, strawberry) was 43.5% in the total fruit and vegetable expont in 1999, which was the most difficalt year in the country's recent history, the for that being well-known. Small fruits play a strategic rote in the longterm strategic developnient of the Republic, mostly for the following basic atasonsi firsi, in appropriale agro-ecological conditions, a higher profit per unit of invested funds is gained from these fruits as compared to most other sorts, second, a significant foreign-currency effect is achived by exports to conventable markety and third, the intensity of the smail fruits production and processing enables additional employment of a great number of woreks, which is of great economic and social importance, braning in mind the high level of unemployment in the Republic.Based on relevant indicators, the paper analyses the dynamics of raspberry, strawberry and blackberry production in the Republic of Serbia in the period 1971-1999, as well as the conditions and restrictions forst. Considering the well-known agroecological and other conditions for the small fruits production, as well in the Republic of Srpska as well as the possibilitu of their export to the world market wi rekomended that produkcion, konstrukcion of processing faciliies (freezing mits) and, export of these fruits gain strategic inportance in the Republic planning.

    Publish Date

    Petrović S., Lučić P., Milošević T.