New Winter two-row barley cultivar "Šampion" has been tested in Yugoslav Federal Commision in the period of three years (1997-1999). Yugoslav Federal Commision approved it as a new cultivar in 2000. According to the botanical classification, cultivar "Šampion" belongs to Hordeum sativum var. nutans. Breeders of new cultivar D. Maksimovié and
D. Perovié.
New cultivar "Šampion" it was created in the Center for small grains, Kragujevac, by cross breeding of parental winter tow roved barley cultivars: SSK 86/87/8 x Novosadski 293.
In the tests of Commision, the new cultivar "Šampion" gave an average kernel yield of 9.064 kg/ha and standard "Novosadski 293" 8.538 kg/ha, which means a higher yield of the new cultivar "Šampion" by 526 kg/ha, wat was significant different by Lsd 0,05 and Lsd 0,01. The new cultivar "Šampion" expressed a genetic potential for kernel yield in microtrials of 10.920 kg/ha (Novi Sad, 1997).
The new cultivar "Šampion" had higher percentage of seeds of first class (size over 2,50 mm), higher mass of 1000 grains of dry matter, similar hectolitar mass of first class of grain and higher protein content than the standard "Novosadski 293".
The new cultivar "Šampion" had similar extract content in malt, higher number VZ 45oC Hartongs, lover Kolbachs number, a greater hectoliter mass and total protein content then the standard, "Novosadski 293".
Nev cultivar "Šampion" has been resistant to diseases Erusiphe graminis hordei and loding than standard cultivar "Novosadski 293".
New winter cultivar "Šampion" is very productive and qalitative.