Faktori koji utiču na voljno konzumiranje hrane (suve materije) u ishrani krava visoke mlesčnosti



    There is a high level of interest in the many factors that affect feed consumption by dairy cows. This is understandable in view of the economic factors related to feed intake and cost of milk production. It is well known that the total efficiency of production can be increased gratly in lactating cows ig their feed intake can be maintained at a high level without creating health problems.

    Addiitional costs are incurred at low levels of productivity, including greater labor required to maintain animals over a longer period of time and less efficient use of facilities and equipment. High level production is not without its costs, however, as some dairy cows may be more prone to metabolic diseases, such as ketosis, hypocalcemia and acute indigestion when they are fed at high levels of intake to maximize productivity, than when they are fed at lower levels of intake.

    Dairy cows using feed to the physical satiety or need in energy. Knowledge factors which affect on the feed intake make diet formulation, problem of diagnosis and design od profit significantly more precisely. Precisely measuring or prediction of feed intake for dairy cows is very essencial for formulation of diet, diagnosis of production loss and projecting production performances. Improving equations for prediction of feed consumption, which including production of milk, live weight, ambient temperature, days in lactation, gravidity and changing in live weight, make possible better prediction of feed consumption for dairy cows.

    Publish Date

    Jovanović R., Glamočić D.