Proizvodnja jarih žita i krompira u brdsko-planinskom području



    Owing to the ravages of 1992 - 1995 war a great number of people have been dis placed and a lot of property has been destroyed, resulting in the failure to tili agricultural land or in tilling to a diminished extent. Id goes fur the mountainous and hilly areas in particular, so a number of villages have died out and the land is not utilised al all. In order to rejuvenate the areas it is necessary for the Stale to take appropriate actions and help people to revamp agriculture. One possibility in the revival is production of spring cereal grasses and potatoes. These cultures can be grown successfully in the areas to be used as human and animal food. If an adequate technology is used, surpius of products can be produced for the market so that the agricultural production could becorne a source of income so important for people.

    Publish Date

    Bogdanović M., Pržulj N., Milić V.