Selekcija drijena (Cornus mas L.) sa područja Gornjeg Polimlja



    The study in 1996 and 1998 was made natural population of cornel in Upper Polimlje Region. The population of cornel in the upper Polimlje Region shows a great genetic variability considering the vigour tree, fertility, mass of the fruit, the colour of the skin, colour and quality of flesh, mass and ranclman stone. The aim of this work is selection, examination and saving cornel and his use by including his in the breeding program in our country. Genotypes BP 38/96, BP 21/96 and BP 13/96 are primarily distinguished by cropping and BP 21/96 by fruit size. In the high contain of the whole sugar (12,96 %), saccharin (8,27 %), reductable sugar (4,46 %) and pectin matter (1,18 %), genotype BP 22/96 it can be recommen. In fuits genotype BP 13/96 contents dissolved dry matters (24%) is very high so that can be used for different kind of production and for consumption genotype BP 21/96 with 15,17% dry matter.

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    Jaćimović, V., Božović, Đina, Jovančević, M.