Uticaj agrozela na mineralnu kompoziciju lista jagode



    Results of a two-year study on the effect of different agrozel, manure and complex mineral fertilizer NPK (15:15:15) combinations on the mineral composition of the strawberry leaf were presented in this paper. The combinations of the supplementary materials were as follows:

    a) agrozel;

    b) agrozel + NPK;

    c) agrozel + manure;

    d) agrozel + NPK + manure and

    e) NPK + manure (control).

    The investigations were carried out in the II and III years after planting in a strawberry planting set up on shallow and eroded smonitza soil with the following chemical composition: 0.88 – 2.82 % humus, 0.04 –  0.13 % nitrogen, less than 5 mg/100 g dry soil phosphorus, 20 – 28.6 mg/100 g dry soil potassium, and acidity ranging from 4.08 to 4.59. Physiological disturbances occurring due to the deficiency of active mineral matters generally affected stolons, leaves, flowers and fruits, i.e. all the organs composing the tiller. The strawberry leaf chemical analysis in the control variant showed an insufficient content of N, P, K, Ca and Cu. The Mg and Zn contents in the leaf were at the bottom supply level whereas the high excess contents of Mn and Fe in particular were recorded, which is characteristic of the leaf chemical composition of the plant developing on the soils of acid reaction. Agrozel supplements in different combinations caused a mildly increased N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn and Cu uptake, whereas the content of Mn was within optimal limits. The content of Fe remained excessively high, as in the control variant, except in the agrozel + NPK + manure treatment, where it slightly decreased. The results mentioned open the prospects of a further work on the agrozel application on the soils non-typical for the production of strawberry as a fruit species, particularly in the conditions regarding growing strawberry as an annual plant.

    Publish Date

    Glišić, I., Milošević, T.