The study of the content of N, P, K and Ca in the apple tree in a dynamic way for the combinations type/base of different exuberance (types the Idarecl and the Golden Delicious on bases M 9, M 26 and MM 106) cultivated in the soil of pseudogley type shows the following tendencies, respectively interactive effects: The nitrogen, phosphor, pottasium and calcium content in a tree for the Idared type in the interactive relationship type/base (regardless of the year) with the increase of the exuberance of the base shows a tendency of decrease (nitrogen b = - 0.050; phosphor b = - 0.023; potassium b = - 0.005; calcium b = - 0.070). The phosphor, potassium and calcium content for the Golden Delicious in the interactive relationship type/base (regardless of the year) with the increase of the exuberance of the base shows a tendency of increase (phosphor b = + 0.011; pottasium b =+ 0.045; calcium b = + 0.036). Nitrogen content show a tendency of decrease (nitrogen b = - 0.024).
Key words: Apple, cultivar, rootstock, interactive correlation cultivar/rootstock, N, P, K and Ca, tree.