Analiza udela osnovnih delova trupa brojlerskih pilića različitih provenijenci



    The aim of this paper was to conduct a comparative investigation of the proportion of certain basic parts and abdominal fat in the male and female Ross 308 and Hybro G broiler carcasses. The usual breeding technology was used for the intensive broiler production, but broiler nutrition was based on the use of concentrates without fish meal supplemented with phytogenic digestives. Following the fattening period of 42 days, in order to examine certain slaughter traits, 12 chickens of each strain (half of them being male and half female broilers) were selected and slaughtered. By comparative analysis of the proportion of certain basic parts and abdominal fat in the processed carcasses of the investigated chickens, it was concluded that the differences emerging due to the influence of genotype and sex were small and generally not statistically significant. The results regarding the thigh and pelvis proportions are exceptions. Namely, the highest thigh proportion (11.08) was established in the male chickens Ross 308 strain. The related differences, compared to the female chickens of the same strain, as well as to the Hybro G males and females were statistically very significant. Additionally, a significantly higher thigh proportion was registered with the male broilers than with the females of the Hybro G hybrid. A significantly higher proportion of pelvis was recorded in the Ross 308 hybrid females compared to the male Hybro G broilers.


              Key words: broilers, Ross 308, Hybro G, basic parts.

    Publish Date

    Bogosavljević - Bošković, Snežana, Tolimir, Nataša, Petrović, M., Rajičić, Vera