Mogućnosti korišćenja enzima u ishrani koka nosilja obrocima na bazi kukuruza i sojine sačme



    Corn-soybean meal based layer diets are mostly present in an outline of ours poultry production. The content of polysaccharides is high in soybean meal and energy from soybean meal is not enough available for poultry. Discussed experiments with enzymes used in corn-soybean meal based diets have shown positive effects on the production results of growing pullets and luying hen. There exists potential for the improvement in laying hen and pullet performance fed cornsoybean meal based diets with enzymes.


              Key words: enzyme, non-starch polysaccharides, growing pullets, luying hens.

    Publish Date

    Milenković, M., Milošević, B., Ilić, Z., Radovanović, T.